Latest Recommendations

Tapping Maples for Sap
Fact sheet on how to tap maple trees for sap.

How Early Is Too Early to Plant Row Crops?
Although it can be tempting to get a head start with row crops, it is important to be mindful of soil temperatures and the associated risks with planting early.

Beets: How to Grow It
Beets are commonly grown for their bulbous roots, but their tops can also be harvested for greens, and they are an excellent source of Vitamin A as well as calcium. They grow best in the cooler temperatures of spring or fall.

Benefits of Stretching
Not only does stretching help prevent injury, it also has numerous other benefits.

Tomato: How to Grow It
From bite-size grape tomatoes to sliceable beefsteak varieties, learn how to select, plant and grow a wide variety of tomatoes for your garden this growing season!

Pasture Attacker: Woody Plants are Robbing Your Forage Production
Traditionally, the prairie is home to herbaceous vegetation, such as grasses and broadleaf plant species. Although many woody plants are naturally present in canyon, riparian, or river areas, they are not meant to be a part of the grassland landscape.
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As the outreach arm of our state’s land grant, South Dakota State University, SDSU Extension is able to provide farmers, ranchers, agri-business people, communities, families and youth with the research-based information they need to succeed.
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