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South Dakota Badlands

SDSU Extension

Latest Recommendations

silver maple tree

Tapping Maples for Sap

Fact sheet on how to tap maple trees for sap.

Photo of corn planted two weeks apart. Early planted corn on the left much larger than the later planted corn on the right.

How Early Is Too Early to Plant Row Crops?

Although it can be tempting to get a head start with row crops, it is important to be mindful of soil temperatures and the associated risks with planting early.

Row of beets growing in a garden.

Beets: How to Grow It

Beets are commonly grown for their bulbous roots, but their tops can also be harvested for greens, and they are an excellent source of Vitamin A as well as calcium. They grow best in the cooler temperatures of spring or fall.

Young woman demonstrating seated forward bend

Benefits of Stretching

Not only does stretching help prevent injury, it also has numerous other benefits.

Cherry tomatoes growing on a vine.

Tomato: How to Grow It

From bite-size grape tomatoes to sliceable beefsteak varieties, learn how to select, plant and grow a wide variety of tomatoes for your garden this growing season!

Pasture contaminated with Eastern Red Cedar

Pasture Attacker: Woody Plants are Robbing Your Forage Production

Traditionally, the prairie is home to herbaceous vegetation, such as grasses and broadleaf plant species. Although many woody plants are naturally present in canyon, riparian, or river areas, they are not meant to be a part of the grassland landscape.

Our Impact

As the outreach arm of our state’s land grant, South Dakota State University, SDSU Extension is able to provide farmers, ranchers, agri-business people, communities, families and youth with the research-based information they need to succeed.


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Further Reading

sun rising over South Dakota field

South Dakota Pest Management Guides

The South Dakota Pest Management guides are now available for free. The guides offer recommendations for controlling weeds, insects, and diseases in a variety of South Dakota crops.

stack of coins with faded chart lines showing in the foreground

South Dakota Agricultural Land Market Trends

The 2024 South Dakota State University (SDSU) Extension Farm Real Estate Market Survey is the 34th annual survey of agricultural land values and cash rental rates by land use and quality in different regions of South Dakota.

man holding a small pile of soil in his hands

Fertilizer Recommendation Guide

SDSU Extension fertilizer recommendations are based on field research in South Dakota and neighboring states.

A low-gradient prairie river that is very meandering.

Understanding Western South Dakota Prairie Streams

This document provides information and guidance for landowners and land managers in western South Dakota who are managing small intermittent streams.

Upcoming Events

Annual trials garden at McCrory Gardens
Apr 01

Garden Hour

Garden Hour will return with as a limited series during the fall and winter months.

Older adult man prepares a sandwich.
Apr 03

Chronic Disease Self-Management Workshop @ Brookings

SDSU Extension will host a six-week workshop series on chronic disease self-management. The workshops will be held from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. CDT every Thursday from April 3 to May 8, 2025 at the Brookings Activity Center (320 5th Ave, Brookings, SD 57006).

Downtown Platte, SD
May 06

Energize Conference

SDSU Extension will host its seventh annual Energize! Exploring Innovative Rural Communities conference on May 6–7, 2025, in Platte, South Dakota.

A piggy bank with stacks of coins next to it.
Mar 11

Financial Fireside Chats

SDSU Extension will host a weekly series of six free webinars focused on increasing financial knowledge and improving financial well-being on Tuesdays from March 11 to April 15, 2025, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. CDT.